Reflective journal
Last day we discussed class observation how an observe the class.First
of all a student learns objective of lesson plan.then observer checks time
either teacher Completes lesson in time or not.Observer notes teacher
mood good or bad.Observer notes greeting styles of teacherhis style
confident and dressing what kind of brain storming he provides eiher
related to topic or not.HIS way of annocment of topic what type of
method he is using in reading a lesson for example direct indirect audio
and video method etc. how teacher is teaching the whole class wether in
air work or group work his regularlity punculity and his pitch of
sounds and many more.
Cognitive method
we use the cognitive processes in our daily lives is with is about how we learn
and what we is about how we change how we adapt and grow.this metod of learning
is used in different processes such as.
anesthesia neuroscience, psychiatrypsychology, education, philosophy, anthropology, biology, systemics,
and computer science
Today we discussed on the topic of microteaching.we learn
microteaching is a teaching to small group of students in the form of
lecturing .in microteaching ,it is not necessary a teacher in the is
conducted by students microteaching is done in systematically way as
regular teaching .almost 70 and 80students are present in the class.Bad
and Mad students are mostly done microteaching. I also learned what is
difference between microteaching and regular teaching.i dont idea what
is big difference between microteaching and regular teaching.
Microteaching is done Regular teaching is done in to
In to small group the large group.
Strength is small Strength is large
He is not Qualified He is qualified
He is not well skill He is well expert
He has not expensive knowledge He has expensive knowledge
Lesson plan follow lesson plan is not follow
Artificial environment natural environment
Someone is observer no one observer here
LAST day in the class and universities studies. Higher education is a
study of graducation postGraducaton and PHD is done in public
sector as well as in private sector colleges and universities. People who
study their belong to middle class there is urdu medium and governance
is very bad. On the other hand , in private sector colleges such as
superior colleges kips and Concordia etc. people who study there belong
to allied class.In these colleges fee structure is to high a common man
can not afford it. There are English medium and the governance is very
good .higher education is also done in public and private universities .in
the public universities sector are offering degrees of phd.Every
university is recognized and character by HEC.people who stdudy there
perbelong to middle class the performance of students and teachers are
not good.on the other hand,in private sector universities such as BNU
and comsat that are offering many degrees .every department is up to
date and offer greater fascialties to the student and performance of
students and teachers are very good.
Last day we taughted in the class on the topic of English urdu
policy.urdu and English policy carries with it several characteristics.
1English is an examination subject
2english teachers do not use English language in the class
3other language are marginalized
In these days you can see English is major barrier to entry to white collar
jobs.english is very important for social mobility and entry to quality
education.english is essential for admission to government
service.English has become examination subject.but in Pakistan you
can see in many cities, people can not speak in to English they have lack
of ability to speak in to English.people don not use English even they
can not speak in to English.teacher don not use English. In government
school, a text is read aloud by the teacher a text is explained in urdu or local language.meaning of difficult words re given in urdu or local is good for students should speak English at home so study
for students whould be easier In schools colleges and universitie. And
another argued that children should speak English from nursery class.
ON the day of seminar.Every teacher told about the preparation of the
thesis. Each teacher described one specific part of thesis.most of teacher
told that a good thesis is simple and coherent.
Some teacher told about how we can narrow down the thesis
statement.some told about introduction.and abstract. Some told about
qualitative and quantity method.Accroding to most of teacher qualitative
method is commonly used in thesis. Some of teacher told about
discussion part. Some teacher told about analysis part of thesis.other told
about the result aand conclusion part of the thesis.when briefing the
thesis is completed stdents have losts of question in mind. All the
thesis is completed stdents have losts of question in mind. All the
teachers give the answer of questions quite satisfactorily.
6 lesson plan
Today we discussed on the topic how we can make good lesson plan
what is lesson plan.there are several parts of lesson plan.lesson plan is a
teacher’s detail description of the course of instruction for one class.a
daily lesson is developed by other part of lesson plan is
There are two part of objective one is general and another is
specific.general is improve listening skill and specific is enable the
students to understand a article.
is the another part of lesson
plan in which we discussed brief part of topic. Especially about author history.
Brainstorming is brief knowledge that is related
to your topic.
is another important topic of lesson
plan.teacher is present topic through different components such as.chart
diagram ,maps,multimedia,projector,chalks,blackboards,taprecorder
etc.teacher is used different methods for presented topic indirect and TLM method.after presentent the topic
teacher give different activities to the students.through the activity
teacher judge eiher student understand topic or not.
Teacher give some written work to students forexample some question
that has been discussed in the class.
On the next day in shape of scores the maximum number will be 10 as
there are 10 blanks on written paper.
Last day we discussed two points in the is teacher as
participant and other one is teacher as resources. My teacher told that
teacher as participant adds value in the variety of ways including talking
on reponsibilty use in classroom.either native language or else.
Teacher encourages students to write essay,
story and article etc.teacher ‘s role is to maintain displine and order
similarly,the teacher should be the instrumental leader of the character
The teacher is innovative he provides supplementary additional and
authentic materials.This material is very helpful for students.
I learned by lecture a good teacher can be defined as a teacher who helps
the student to understand the very nature of the topic and its vastness.
We discussed in the class teacher needs to encourage students to
in an activity when there is silence or when there are confused about
what to do next??
The main aim of teacher as organizer is discussed in to the class.the
teacher organzing an activity is to tell the students what they are going to
talk about give clear instructions about what exactly their task is get the
activity going and then organize feedback when it is over.the
organization of activity is divided in to the three main parts such as.
1lead in
In lead in teacher and students may briefly discuss the topic in order to
start thinking about it.
When the lead _in stage has been accomplished the teacher instructs.
This is where he explain exactly what the students should do.
IN this activity,teacher gives a final check that students have
understood.has got any question…no?? good then off u go
Last day we discussed on the topic of student grouping play important
role in the class. Student grouping is divided in to the following type .
where all the students are locked into same rhythm and pace in the same activity.
Student can be put in pairs for a great variety of work including reading and writing
Groupwork is more dynamic than the class student divided
into the different group for different activities.
I learned by this lecture who can different activity paly important role in
the class.
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